We actually want what we already have ... but we are too blinds to see it … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

The story from the book "Acres of diamonds" ... is really funny.

And ... very relevant for my book.

... for idiots like me.

+ for all the ones which don't accept yet their blindness.

I am not a good story teller, even if i pretend i am a writer ... but short story is about a guy ... who sold his farm ... going very far away to find diamonds.

He died in a foreign country ... but by mistake the new owner of the farm, discovered on the river which was on the property ... lots, lots of diamonds.

The fortune was there.

A huge ... quantity of diamonds.

So ... the guy sold his farm, go to the other side of the world ... searching for diamonds ... but he had all.

Unfortunately ... he did not knew it.

All was hided into the river.

And even if some weird sparkling was seen sometimes ... all was disconsidered.



I read the book ... and honestly I've understood the message few years later.

I ... all the time ... used to say ... "I want" .. but i was too blind to realise that i already have ... all.

It's ridiculous.

And happened to me ... many, many times like that.

So ... i normally ask ... why the hell i don't stop myself saying "I want" ... and firstly find out ... if i already have that ... or not.

Maybe ... all is too abstract.

Maybe ... we are not blinds ... but too idiotic to understand the abstract.

Maybe ... we should admit that.


I continue my analysis.

I continue ... analysing myself.

I try to stop saying .... "I want".

But ... i also dare to ask ... "Do i really know what i have?!

Am i conscious enough of all?!

Can i clearly see my reality?!"


Well ... maybe not.







Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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